
Rabbite-ing on

Harry McGee crafts a reasonable article in today’s Irish Times about G.Lee’s double resignation from Irish politics this week. It’s pretty easy to imagine that Lee was shut out in a petty squabble with Bruton over who was the economics top dog. Stupid and embarrassing if you consider the state of the country’s finances. However, if there’s one quote from the article that really got my goat it was this from Pat Rabbitte.

“The calling of intelligently interpreting economic data and relaying it successfully to the average citizen is a different one from writing a prescription for where we are going wrong and what we are doing about it,”

Pass me a sick bag. What a load of patronising toss to suggest Lee wasn’t up to the job but, amazingly, seasoned politicians like himself are. If Rabbitte actually believes that he, his Labour party, or anyone else in the Dail is engaged in writing “a prescription for where we are going wrong and what we are doing about it” then he’s delusional.

Someone should buy him a copy of Anthony Sweeney’s Banana Republic for christmas.

Banana Republic
Banana Republic

Unfortunately, at least one generation of Irish children will understand how delusional he is and how they are being failed, not just by the government, but by the Dail itself. Lee seemed to be the only person in the Dail vocally suggesting that cuts would only worsen the economic situation without stimulus. This didn’t fit entirely with FG orthodoxy so they didn’t take the policy on board. What a burden it is to have 2 economists in the one party when in the midst of an economic crisis. What a sorry lot FG are. The hardest thing about Irish politics seems to be the back-stabbing, character assassinations, petty jealousies, side-deals and keeping track of all of the above. Little time left to serve the people.

Still, George Lee _was_ a bit naive. He could have prepared for political life by referring to the online Merriam Websters dictionary.

Main Entry: pol·i·tics
Pronunciation: \?pä-l?-?tiks\
Function: noun plural but singular or plural in construction
Etymology: Greek politika, from neuter plural of politikos political
Date: circa 1529
1 a : the art or science of government b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy c : the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government
2 : political actions, practices, or policies
3 a : political affairs or business; especially : competition between competing interest groups or individuals for power and leadership (as in a government) b : political life especially as a principal activity or profession c : political activities characterized by artful and often dishonest practices
4 : the political opinions or sympathies of a person
5 a : the total complex of relations between people living in society b : relations or conduct in a particular area of experience especially as seen or dealt with from a political point of view <office politics> &lt:ethnic politics>

He may have noticed 3b and realised what he was in for…


Knowledge Economy needs the 9’s

I quite like the movie the 9’s but this post has nothing really to do with that movie. It’s not a wide critique of the budget either. Although I do believe that there’s an emphasis on keeping banking lines of credit going that will prove unsustainable unless economic growth returns rapidly.
This post is to do with a knowledge economy. The problem with economies is that they’re made up of people. This is something that many commentators, journalists, politicians and, indeed, economists don’t seem to understand. That broad stroke economic measures occur in a social context.Beyond obvious financial effects, they affect lives, motivations, purpose and hence economic productivity.
Indeed severe economic measures of the kind we saw last Wednesday are similar to waging war. During Lenihan’s budget speech I was reminded of Sun Tzu’s Art of War and his description of the 5 factors that affect the outcome of a war.

These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth; (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.
The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger. (moral authority)
Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat, times and seasons. (future worldwide economic climate)
Earth comprises distances, great and small; danger and security; open ground and narrow passes; the chances of life and death. (our realistic financial context)
The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincererity, benevolence, courage and strictness. (the government)
By method and discipline are to be understood the marshaling of the army in its proper subdivisions, the graduations of rank among the officers, the maintenance of roads by which supplies may reach the army, and the control of military expenditure. (society – including the public sector)
These five heads should be familiar to every general: he who knows them will be victorious; he who knows them not will fail.

The Chinese and Japanese still teach the Art of War in their business schools as they clearly understand that it’s a concise and highly insightful book about crisis management and leadership. It may be the best ever written. Consider that it references “moral law” in a time where the punishment for diobedience was swift execution.
In the 2010 budget Lenihan imposed a pay cut based on salaries within the public sector employees, across all grades. Apart from the cuts there was reference to investment priorities including science and technology. From his speech.

“Other key investment priorities in 2010 will include science, technology and innovation; promotion of environmental sustainability; implementation of green enterprise initiatives; housing and urban regeneration; the health sector; public transport and finishing the inter-urban motorways.”

This echoes the Taoiseach’s Smart Economy comments after the budget. “We need to settle the public finances with a view to developing a model for sustainable growth through the Smart Economy, going forward”
So you’d think that those in R&D in Ireland working on the so-called Smart Economy wouldn’t be attacked in the budget? Well you’d be wrong.
As the story points out that only R&D grants to foreign companies will be increased under the 2010 budget. Indeed when we take the cuts into account the overall investment in Science and Technology next year will be cut by 22 Million Euro. So we’re going to achieve the Smart Economy by spending less on Science and Technology than we have been spending, much less as a % of GDP than the Scandinavian countries, Israel, Korea and other genuinely smart economies? Thinking back to the 5 factors, the conditions on the earth suggest we won’t win this battle.
Heaven and Earth suggest that future savings required to pay billions of NAMA + national debt (same thing effectively!) interest next year will squeeze S&T funding more and lead to further cuts in our smart economy spending. We’re also helping to create a climate whereby the intellectual property smarts of the smart economy is more likely to be owned by foreign companies than indigenous ones. A dumb incentivisation programme is unlikely to produce a smart outcome.
So what about moral law and the commander? Well here comes the 9’s. By this I mean those on grade 9999 in the public sector. I’m one of these so I know a bit about this. Us 9’s negotiate our contract directly with our employer. Every contract researcher in a 3rd level university or research institute is on this grade. I’m not aware of any exceptions anyway.
Why do we negotiate our salaries directly? It’s because they’re based on project funding. The funding is approved by national organisations like Enterprise Ireland and European organisations like the EU’s 7th Framework Programme. Indeed as David McWilliam’s would probably point out I’m paid by German and French pensioners, mostly! We’re employed to work on specific projects. If the project ends and we don’t have future funding then our contracts aren’t renewed. This has happened to people I know. A fact of life which is dramatically different to our other PS counterparts.
So when considering the moral law it’s necessary to understand that an economic measure designed to cut the pay of public sector workers (again) will unfairly cut the pay of a group with the following characteristics:

  • No benchmarking
  • No increments
  • No bonuses
  • No over-time
  • The guarantee of weekend work without payment
  • No job security

The government has dispatched a memo through the dept of education in true jobsworthian fashion stating that legislation will be enacted to enable 9999 workers to have their terms of pay reduced without legal recourse. To be crude about this, we’re being screwed by association!
Perhaps we were all getting paid too much. I doubt it though as most researchers I know are paid less than their friends in industry and never got bonuses. Indeed, it’s a source of some annoyance to me that some friends who used to boast about their bonuses are leading the clamour for PS salaries to be reduced. The main reason why many of my colleagues have stayed or joined a research group is because there’s only 1 other tech employers in the Waterford area. ArcLabs and TSSG are a tech oasis in a region that successive governments have ignored. A high-tech economy won’t be built exclusively on call-centre jobs. What difference a University upgrade may have made, I don’t know…
Everyone recognises the need for Method and Discipline given our dire economic circumstances. Most PS workers I know are not suggesting PS reform wasn’t necessary but that its been done in a poor way. In a way that punishes the most dedicated as much as those who are less so. It’s reasonable in the current climate for my PS sector colleagues to work harder, get paid less for overtime, have less holidays and not get extra pay for doing tasks directly related to their job. Teachers getting paid for marking their own exams and supervising students are a particular irritation of mine but many of these payments were introduced in the context of extravagant expenditure and bonuses throughout Ireland. Let’s not demonise one group for being exuberant when everyone was.
That’s what’s been done however. Moral law should deliver unity of purpose. It further undermines moral authority when any measure is implemented through a strategy of division. Genuine and fair public sector reform was possible.This should have been tackled first and there’s much evidence to suggest that PS unions were willing to do so.
Back to the 9s. The 9s I know were deliberately conservative about their pay as overhead charges are our only way of building a buffer between us and the dole queue following the end of a research project. This isn’t a gravy train. Most 9s are paying a pension levy while some are not actually paying into the PS pension fund. Again the victims of an inequitable implementation of economic measures.
How are we contributing to the knowledge economy. Well, in Waterford alone the expertise and research helped sustain, at peak, another 60 tech jobs in campus companies on top of 150 research jobs, bringing millions of funding into Ireland and the South East region. When we started in research in 1996 there wasn’t any in the IoT sector.
There’s a lesson for the Innovation Task Force here too. Measures to incentivise innovation and growth MUST be sensitively implemented. Innovation, more than anything else, is historically produced by smart and driven individuals. It’s unlikely to be produced by disheartened individuals looking to emigrate and I now know plenty of those.
I addressed my concerns to the “commander”. Whatever bitching I’ve done about him I believe Lenihan to be an intelligent and courageous man who has found himself with a difficult brief in a party that must bear significant responsibility for the woes that have befallen Ireland Inc.
Therefore, I wrote the department of finance at the time of the pension levy explaining some of these concerns. The response was that our research jobs were attractive and we’d have to do our bit in these tough economic times. Actually, we don’t. We can follow the Irish tradition of leaving the country to find a better quality of life elsewhere. Our diaspora is an Irish social tragedy.
Whatever about the Economist magazine’s opinion on the austere budget I feel Sun Tzu would slash the smart economy claims to ribbons. The Smart Economy will only be achieved through smarter contextually-nuanced policies that are cognizant of his 5 simple rules. He who knows them not will fail…


isn’t it ironic

I read this over at Chancer Central (aka the fianna fail website).
It is the very definition of irony that after 400+ million Euro woth of tribunals which were expensed to the tax payer specfiically to investigate serious incidents of corruption in public office in which members of several parties including FF participated we get a statement like

“Declan Ganley needs to be far more open and transparent if his Libertas group are to be taken seriously as a political party, according to Timmy Dooley TD, Vice Chairman of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Affairs.”

Sure, there’s a few grains of truth in this and Libertas aren’t doing their cause much good by being secretive but anyone who believes that FF or any of the other parties are in some fantastic position of moral authority needs their head examined.
As I’ve said before, our electoral system is fundamentally flawed. Promoting the election of too many representatives for such a small country leads to this contradiction of responsibility where TDs and Ministers make decisions for their parish rather than for their country.


Episode Nov IV – A New Hope

Now that Obama has been elected I can breathe easily again. The Republicans have been kicked out of the white house. They’ve lost the senate and the forces of darkness have been repelled. Just in case this blog is being read mistakenly by someone who wanted to put McCain or even worse Palin in power they should have a good look at the company they keep. Of course, they probably agree with some of this horseshit.
The hatred of the fascistic right for Obama is mind-blowing. He must be really on to something. Professional hate-monger Ann Coulter described an Obama victory by saying..

“I feel like we’re talking to the Germans after Hitler came to power.”

Wow, it beggars belief.