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Life & the meaning of it all…

The past 2 years of my life have been interesting to say the least. I’ve gone from being a respected (if my linkedin endorsements are anything to go by) IT researcher and software developer to being a full-time dispute mediator with the partnership I setup, ARC Mediation.

I’ve had so many questions from friends and family about my “new professional direction” and other euphemisms that I felt a “once and for all” explanation was in order. Why bother to explain myself? Well, I’ve yet to give a response to my friends that I’m happy with and I tend to shirk the issue.

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Blog upgrade, just testing.

Updating my blog for the first time in years.  Refreshing the layout, adding new plugins etc.

Nothing to see here kids!

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ADR, an interesting alternative

I attended my father’s retirement party last week. It was a well attended event, with lots of former work colleagues. It’s not clear that he’s actually retiring as he appears to have a selection of side projects to work on but the nature of his daily work and employment commitments has certainly changed. He made the de-rigeur speech looking back at his past jobs and illustrated a career that was interesting, varied and not altogether planned. It was financial circumstance that forced him into business rather than his intended career of biochemistry but he chose to work in industries such as textiles, aeronautical engineering, food ingredients and, later, banking.

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Twitter Updates for 2009-12-19