
Im n a CWBB :-)

Today R & I officially became a CWBB. What the hell is that I hear you ask? Well it’s a Couple With BroadBand. I’ve noticed this as an emerging and ever increasing trend amongst my Irish friends. CWBB’s generally have

  • A high degree of shared computer literacy
  • Demanding jobs where one or both often work from home
  • A love of textual communication be it SMS, IM or email
  • laptop computers which are dragged throughout the house so they can surf whenever and wherever
  • A strong and growing appreciation of the joys of constant digital connectedness
  • A quirky yet often healthy tendency to communicate complex thoughts and emotions with eachother using web based communication such as blogs/IM/email… (even when they’re in the same house/room)

Other CPWB’s that I know include Bernie/Belene of running with bulls fame and my good friends Kristian/Cath.

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