
Alien versus Predator

A cross over of a different kind with this humorous pic of me and my bestest most dreadlocked friend, Jen. It’s taken from Jen’s online photogallery at


I’ve had lots of questions from keen followers of Ordo Ab Chao about the wonderful R. I can confirm she does exist, is very photogenic and I’ll put up a shot of us as soon as I can. 😀


Bernie’s unhappy with the police

Just read about my mate Bernie’s travails at the hands of the Gardai Siochana near Pearse St in Dublin. I guess there’s a general perception that the gardai in Ireland deliberately flirt traffic regulations merely because they can rather than in the legitimate pursuit of police duty.


CWBB-ish behavior

As all keen followers of this blog will note, I’ve recently become part of a CWBB. My CWWBB-heart (relax R) and I have engaged in all manner of CWWB-ish behavior over the past few weeks so I’ve decided to come up with a top 10 list of CWBB-ish activities. Not saying I’ve been a partner in cyber-crime in all of these but we’re certainly very CWBB’d up
Anyway here’s the list! Feel free to comment and to post anecdotes (sad, witty & most likely both) about your own CWBB-dom:

  1. video-conferencing with your signifigant other while sitting on the same couch
  2. Having IM conversations using smilies that nobody else knows
  3. Having IM conversations consisting entirely of smilies
  4. Creating custom MSN winkies to send to each other as tokens of your undying affection and chronic addiction to IM
  5. Sending emails to one another while sitting at the same table
  6. Instant Messaging while sitting at the same table
  7. Leaving messages for eachother on eachothers weblogs
  8. Telling your friends you’re part of a CWBB using your blog 😛
  9. Telling your friends you’re part of a CWBB
  10. Having lengthy discussions about how you’ve both been liberated by wireless networking and laptops while bashing your keyboards inside on a sunny day

Im n a CWBB :-)

Today R & I officially became a CWBB. What the hell is that I hear you ask? Well it’s a Couple With BroadBand. I’ve noticed this as an emerging and ever increasing trend amongst my Irish friends. CWBB’s generally have

  • A high degree of shared computer literacy
  • Demanding jobs where one or both often work from home
  • A love of textual communication be it SMS, IM or email
  • laptop computers which are dragged throughout the house so they can surf whenever and wherever
  • A strong and growing appreciation of the joys of constant digital connectedness
  • A quirky yet often healthy tendency to communicate complex thoughts and emotions with eachother using web based communication such as blogs/IM/email… (even when they’re in the same house/room)

Other CPWB’s that I know include Bernie/Belene of running with bulls fame and my good friends Kristian/Cath.