Following on from my last post I’ve been thinking about what it costs to achieve and sustain innovation in an international, vast and highly competitive market. A good example is the pharmaceutical market with a worldwide market of around $800 Billion USD in 2009. I could check this figure further but the point is that it’s HUGE with US sales of around 300Bilion USD and “emerging” markets in India, China and Russia. A detailed market analysis is available here
So what does it take to compete at the top of this market? To constantly innovate, sustain a leading position in established market (e.g. the USA) and take advantage of opportunities for dramatic growth in emerging markets? In trying to answer this question I decided to look at GlaxoSmithKline for a few reasons. The company is among the most profitable in the business with profits of around $10.5 Billion on sales of around $40.5 Billion. GSK is headquartered in England and has around 100k employees worldwide. A major drug success (e.g. Zantac for stomach ulcer treatment) is the difference between places in the top 5 of Big Pharma and GSK is under constant pressure to out innovate it’s biggest competitors Pfizer, Novartis and Johnson&Johnson. Furthermore, the difference between a new blockbuster drug being approved by the various regulatory agencies and issues being discovered during trials can be multiple years of researchers’ effort, a billion dollars in research funding and the loss of billions in future revenues. Prizer’s viagra contributes, for example, around half a billion USD to annual revenues yet these sales are dwarfed by those of cardiovascular drug Lipitor selling almost 6 times that worldwide.
In 2008, GSK spent £3.68 Billion on Research & Development as described in their annual report annual report. So that’s 4.12 Billion Euro.
Or to look at it another way, If we assume 51 Bn Euro of toxic debts in NAMA with the majority of these being NPL’s issued in the wild west years from 2005 onwards we come to a startling fact. Irish Developers’ misguided credit splurge could have supported a world-beating pharaceutical research company generating profits of around 8.7 Bn Euro (pre tax) per year for about 12 1/2 years. To understand why we’re still on the wrong track consider that the banks will make 255Million coupon profit on their NAMA bonds or about 1/16th of a GSK for the privilege of getting us into this mess.
Relating this to Chris Horn’s figures MIT would produce 5 spinouts for the NAMA bond profits alone.
Rather than cry over the embarrassingly large amount of milk spilled it’s important to focus on the positive points. Up until the boom we arguably never had enough money to create a world beating R&D organisation. Since then, we’ve invested more than enough money in this country to produce world beat companies in IT, biotech etc. We’ve just invested it in the wrong things 🙂 It’s how we react to our mistakes that will determine whether our fate is that of Switzerland or Uraguay.
Now we need to priortise to ensure that we create R&D ventures of a critical scale AND that individuals who made money during the boom (especially “diaspora” figures and tax emigrants) invest in future R&D. I’m not exactly sure how to do this. Although I’m pretty sure that it won’t be successfully achieved by cutting pay and raising taxes of 3rd level researchers in Ireland. Just a hunch!
A tech bond along the lines of McWilliam’s diaspora bond could be an idea. The money’s out there and getting it in the form of investment is a damn sight more realistic than naieve “tax the super rich” suggestions made by people who forget that the super rich can live anywhere they like. If we can prove that our research is world class and industrially relevant then we’ll find investors. Easy to type these words, more difficult to put them into effect. Building a knowledge economy founded on high-value engineering and niche manufacturing is, perhaps, the only alternative to what some pundits call the “race to the bottom”. World Class Innovation may be the only game in town
Tag: ireland
Just one suggestion for the Irish Innovation Task Force. Promote funding to disruptive technologies. Let’s start with a definition from wikipedia.
Disruptive technology and disruptive innovation are terms used in business and technology literature to describe innovations that improve a product or service in ways that the market does not expect, typically by being lower priced or designed for a different set of consumers.
The important aspect here is that disruptive technologies improve a product or service in an unpredictable way, creating or fundamentally changing a market. An example would be something like Skype. There’s another reason why I’ve chosen this.
I’ve blogged about Nassim Taleb’s “Black Swan” before and his advice for investors about understanding their real risk profiles. Most people get confused between relatively solid investments like treasury bonds versus risk like supposed “blue chip” stock market investments. The ideal Taleb portfolio is about 85% governmental bonds and 10-15% pure risk.
There’s an analogue here with disruptive technologies and the investment strategies of state funding agencies.
Enterprise Ireland is essentially Ireland’s state VC and angel investor. We don’t have much of a VC sector, as such, so we’re reliant on EI to fuel indigenous tech growth. EI is an oft maligned organisation but they are responsible for giving a lot of indigenous tech companies a chance. One of the areas where they fall down, I believe, is in funding disruptive technologies as this is organisationally problematic.
EI’s review process for commercialisation funding for research institutes is based on industrial and academic review. In my experience of grant application submission, which is considerable, they attempt to reach a consensus across the reviewers as to whether a proposal is commercially and technically viable. This is useful at picking ideas where a) there’s already a market b) the technology is mature c) the idea isn’t contentious. However, I’ve seen neat ideas like creating a P2P Telecommunications network dismissed out of hand in 2002 as technically and commercially unrealistic. Perhaps they were right 😉
More annoying are reviews where 2 reviewers love the idea (A marks) and one reviewer hates it (C or D). This has happened and sometimes the nay-saying review reads like an ad-hominem attack. Perhaps it was!
The disruptive idea is inevitably contentious. It will attract naysayers like flies to s&%t. Its market will not be tested and its technologies may be immature or, at best, not industrially tested. Yet Mr. Taleb would probably suggest we should invest 15% of our R&D grants on such technologies. Perhaps more as R&D grants are inevitably risky. This could be accomplished by a two step review process. Step 1 involves establishing what the “consensus” projects are. What projects the majority of people think are likely to yield commercial rewards. Ear-mark 80% of funds for these. Then let’s be ambitious in step 2. Weed out the ideas that a) were highly contentious, b) would revolutionise a market yet c) are being proposed by a credible team. These are your disruptive technologies. Ignore the consensus and fund as many of these as 20% of grant funding will allow.
Another improvement to the process sounds obvious but is the exact opposite of what is practiced currently. Right to reply. Once the applicant submits a proposal, success is in the lap of the gods (not meaning to give reviewers a power complex). Queries regarding applications are rare. Generally you’re presented with an opinion of the review board as a fait accompli without the ability to question reviewer’s comments or clarify misinterpretations. If you consider that, sometimes, the reviewers are in direct competition with the applicant for funding OR the proposed commercial product it’s a process that demands a right to reply.
Modifying the review process as suggested would, in my opinion, lead to a better selection process for grant funding and would improve the chances of funding yielding a massive success. Ultimately, this is what Ireland needs. Much of our techie nous wouldn’t exist but for the early wave of indigenous tech companies such as IONA, Baltimore and Logica, illuminaries of which dominate the tech landscape in Ireland. A massive indigenous success gives a taste for tech enterpreneurship like nothing else and ignites the passions of school leavers towards the ICT sector. It also trains the kind of highly-skilled and adaptable staff we need to build a knowledge economy.
Who guards the guards?
My friend Jonathan recently referred me to I admire the idea of this website. I believe that the legal profession have, in general, setup a system whereby clients are asked to pay exorbitant amounts for relatively straightforward tasks like conveyancing. They have also helpfully ensured that you hire both a solicitor AND a barrister to initiate or defend court proceedings. This raises costs and IMHO often delivers poor value to clients as the expensive barrister that you entrust to argue your case will be less familiar with it than your solicitor. A frankly silly and near feudal practice that we should have been grown-up enough to leave behind. We’ve diverged other aspects of our legal system from the UK model and in some cases it looks like we did it to spite ourselves. I feel this way about the so-called “subjective test” but that’s a digression.
Back to solicitors! There are many talented solicitors in the country who do a good job and give good advice. It’s the same as any professional really. Whatever my feelings about the costs of legal advice in this country, the outcome of any court case can never be reduced to a simple formula of “I paid a lot of money, felt I was in the right, therefore I should have won!” It just doesn’t work like that. Clients are people and people mis-recollect and mis-represent. Equally, you could get a judge on a bad day. If you don’t get exactly what you want it may not be the solicitor’s fault.
The problem I have with the aforementioned website is that you can clearly see that some complaints could be due to clients misunderstanding legal issues, being plain wrong or blaming the solicitor for the entire legal system. There are undoubtedly many insightful and reasonable criticisms on the site. However, when you look at the “Hall of Shame” you see some frankly unrelated political rants against particular solicitors. These devalue the basis for the site. They are so far off topic and perhaps defamatory they should NEVER have been published in my opinion. It’s amazing when people can be so unbalanced in their criticism that it makes you want to defend the legal profession 🙂
If you have a problem with a legal professional then complain to the law society. This involves formulating a complaint rather than a rant. You’d be amazed what might happen. Whatever people think they DO attempt to police their profession and will strike off or otherwise sanction a solicitor if they have acted unethically or unprofessionally. It would be nice, however, if they had to publicise the results of any case where their panel finds against the solicitor. That would perhaps cut out a lot of over-billing. If you’re not happy with the results from the Law Society then you could always go to the media.
Saving the country
Between twitter and facebook it’s difficult to find the time to update this blog. An update is due however and a full redesign will happen soon, I promise. In the meantime here’s a colletion of “5’s” I’ve posted to the the McWilliams blog where he’s developing an your ideas section.
I’ve broken the list into short term changes which need to be made immediately and longer term changes which should be implemented over 5 years to help improve the balance and robustness of our economy. This is currently our major problem as we’ve a shallow economic base relying on a few tricks such as construction (gone) and multi-national FDI. Some of my suggesitons are controversial and some are tongue-in-cheek.
Short term list
- Accept we’re near bankrupt.The world’s dominant lending institutions are either not lending to Ireland or are issuing very short term credit believing we’ll be bankrupt within 6 months. Therefore we’re in an emergecy situation which will affect the lives of everyone living and working here. We need to stop pretending that budget band aids can fix this. It’s patent nonsense. We need to come clean on our financial situation as some builders are currently doing and start negotiating with our bankers to restructure our debt. We’ll also have to flog some of our assets, with all serious offers considered. To aid the flogging we need to end the legislated secrecy regarding house sale prices and start auctioning off unsold houses with no reserve.
- Nationalise and consolidate our banking sector into a rebranded good and a nationalised bad bank. The state would maintain a significant interest in the ordinary equity of the good bank and appoint new management with assistance from some of the better members of the current management.
- Create an all party government, taking the better of our current TD’s. If anything good could come out of this crisis it would be an interruption in the never-ending cycle of FF led and FG led coalitions. Appoint a council of our top economists and international financial experts with, perhaps, some prominent disapora figures to create policy for the dept. of finance and run the good and bad bank.
- Call the ECB’s bluff. Demand a bailout from the ECB on the grounds our bankruptcy will set of a chain reaction that will implode the EMU. Greece seems to be in the same boat. Demand emergency legislation to achieve it. If/when they refuse pull out of the Eurozone and reconstitute a punt pegged against the dollar. Whatever we do, we shouldn’t vote for Lisbon unless the EMU is empowered to bail-out nations in trouble rather than take action against them for running deficits by imposing sanctions/fines. The current situation is farcical!!! Our government is telling us to vote for a treaty that copper fastens a collection of laws which are actively hindering us from dealing with this crisis. The EMU is a joke in it’s current form. If you don’t think so then read this quite reasonable opinion piece in the telegraph
- Create the publicly traded recovery and innovation bonds I’ve described before. In a sense this is happening in an ad-hoc manner as we’re seeing consolidation in our research sector and we’ve already had a major national bond issue. The idea of this bond is that the coupon is redeemable as cash at a particular rate of as income or corporation tax relief at a more generous rate.
Long term list (implement over 5 years).
- Reform our tax system. Reduce taxes on labour and employment. Eliminate employers’ PRSI. Remove all tax reliefs on property rental income, effective immediately. Don’t make this mistake again. Remove tax relief on house purchases for first time buyers. Lower stamp duty and VRT. All these taxes just contribute to individual debt and are bubble promoting. Use some of the recovery bond income to aid this transition if possible. Increase corporation tax to 15% but keep reliefs on patent income.
- Identify wealthy diaspora figures to repatriate using our “ireland bond”. Using these, Create a tax haven for technology investors and investment, partnering with US VC firms. As part of this create research centres which are NOT directly associated with individual academic institutions. Take the largest and leading research groups in particular areas (Biotech, Pharma, IT, Telecoms, Alternative Energy) and give each 5 years of baseline funding for all staff. Consolidate groups from different colleges. Set hard commercialisation targets to gain future funding for another 5 years. These centres should then be separated from their current academic institutions (if applicable) with no budgetary overlap. Inter-college rivalries are mucking up research in Ireland IMHO. Ensure some decentralisation in this process.
- Scrap the pension levy and the defined benefit (based on time-served) pension for anyone not in the scheme more than 25 years. Implement a version of the EU regulations regarding pension fund protection regardless of whether we’re in the EMU or even EU.
- Reform the public sector. Introduce proper performance related pay. Delegate budgetary control and reward thrift with bonuses. Currently it’s nearly impossible for many PS workers to be thrifty as they don’t control their own budgets. This is a MASSIVE PROBLEM in the health service. Sack employees who get consistently poor reviews. No more jobs for life. Give many senior civil servants early retirement and replace them with new managers on perf-related pay.
- Reform the political system. Reduce the number of dail seats by around 20%. Require all political donations exceeding 500 Euro to be on a publicly searchable database. Reward local government for saving money rather than punishing them by reducing budgets for the following year.
Some Extras
- Put more effort into weeding-out social welfare abusers. Impose fines or deport foreign abusers.
- Cap mortgage size based on a multiple of disposable income. Around 10 times.
- Introduce legislation to force lenders to accept a percentage of a property back as part settlement for debt, at the value they accepted at loan time. This would help dissuade lenders from bubble behavior.
- Force some jail inmates to do community service. In the US they have inmates making cadillac limousines & RV’s.I want an RV!!
- Become the 51st state officially. Failing that join the Commonwealth 😀
- Introduce restrictions to limit (not eliminate altogether) the number of unskilled immigrants from all countries including those in the EU
- I’d love to ban political parties in this state but (like some other points here) it will never happen 🙂