
Some people can’t take a joke

Just read this article in a local newspaper. Now it must have been a very slow news day but the criticism of what is, after all, a harmless piece of fun is plain silly. Is it more “retarded” to publish such a book for the purposes of entertainment and financial reward than it is to generate publicity for the book by making negative comments on radio and in the press?
I’m still trying to figure out whether this guy is for real and has a genuine issue with Cian’s Wateford Slang Dictionary or whether it’s a publicity stunt. I’m assured the outrage is genuine.
Perhaps Vincent O’ Toole, this self-styled champion of the Waterfordian intelligentsia, should have a look at his own hotel which in my arrogant opinion features some noteworthy crimes against architecture. That would be a more useful contribution to improving the city than than this guff and handbags.
Those who take everything too seriously can’t be taken seriously themselves.


Occams razor is blunt

OK, there has GOT to be someone in the Arc Labs nerdier than I am. Another illustrious contender fell at the last hurdle. Having written REFERENCE books on Perl, MOF surely garners an extra 5 points giving him an impressive score of 101/100. OK, nice try but no cigar. I guess Doggs is my last hope although Richard is another very strong contender with a Maths degree and a fondness of writing “well-documented CSV parsers” ™ Please take this mantle away 🙂


1 in 100

Just reviewed my machine enthusiast post of last week and remembered that statistically there’s at least 1 person geekier than me in this building. Now, I was counting on there being several but JB shot that idea down with his frankly pathetic 93% score. However, somebody nearby may just qualify.
Then I started to think further about this and realised that a research group is not representative of the normal population and the test itself is flawed in it’s overall level of granularity. Sometimes “I think I think too much” as Paul Simon sagely said many years ago.


The Nixer from Hell

I thought I’d taken on a few of these in my time but no, I’ve seen it all now.. Thanks to Brian (aka Doggs) for this link. This guy just wants a Win32 compliant Operating System that has all the features of Windows but is better. He’s willing to pay a whole 3k for it. Now, it’s gotta be a joke right?? Thing is, the project creator has done/faked sincerity so well that some of the bidders actually seem serious and see no reason to spend the whole 3000 dollars. I know that contract programming is cheaper in India but this is frankly ridiculous. So I’ve decided I could do the project. My win32 compliant OS will unfortunately only support the Gaisan MysticCore ™ Virtual Machine which mysteriously turns bytecode that appears to be repetitive gibberish into meaningful instructions for the Gaisan MysticAL processor. The OS he can have for free, the Virtual Machine will be 50 million dollars and the processor will be 10 times that 🙂
I’m pretty sure there are other companies out there looking for a Win32-compliant OS to replace the mess that is windows. Microsoft for starters…