
fontographer humour

Still can’t decide whether this is awful or funny? I’ll put it to the gallery..

Two fonts walk into a bar and the bartender says, “We don’t serve your type here.”
So the two fonts went and called the SERIF.
So, the fonts returned SANS SERIF, but they brought with them DEPUTY VETTICA. The deputy started to heavily quiz the bartender, and the fonts yelled, “Give ’em HELVETICA!
The serif was finally located. He was around the BLOCK, reading the TIMES.
Now you may think the deputy’s name sounds Czech, but actually it is ITALIC.


Caught rotten, LOL

Ever find yourself eyeing up someone near you in a nightclub. Most time you get away with it as nobody notices and there’s no photographic evidence to prove otherwise. Not if your mates are keen photographers who take a digital camera with them everywhere they go. Thanks for this one Jen, it’s dead funny and catches me at my best/worst… hahaha

Jen’s a budding amateur photographer and her online photo album is located at Check it out, some great shots there.


Church sign generator :-D

Ever wanted to make your own potentially humorous and possibly blasphemous church sign. Well you can do it here.. Isn’t the web wonderful (or something)


Want to give yourself an epileptic fit?

Well look no further (literally perhaps) then the Seizure Robots site.Killer japanese seizure robots with cheesy 70s soundtrack, wow!. Just what the doctor ordered first thing on a monday morning…