
Thought for the Day

Great events come from small moments


Today I have mostly been listening to

Hyper-Ballad by Bjork from the album Post. Pure sonic heaven from everyone’s favourite icelandic pixie. I know the image is from the album cover of debut but it’s such a cool pic 😉


Towards software quality and accountability

Great post from John Udell. No point in commenting on it, just read it!


Media Museum of the year 2014

Everybody interested in the future of digital media and the computer industry in general should have a look at the following flash movie. Available from It’s fascinating. I think that it’s ultimately flawed in some of its suppositions about MAD (Mergers, Acquitisions and Divestitures)New York Times ®. I suspect that it’s more likely that a merger or joint-venture between old-world and new-world media will be part of this revolution. Rather than bypassing established media companies and brands. Old media and new media will combine with a different, more cooperative organisational structure. Perhaps in 2010 computers will be able to provide the value-added interpretations that news companies currently provided. More thoughts on this later but I think that more sophisticated content licensing, canonical information addressing & DRM will play a part. Still, this really made me think and it’s beautiful to watch.