
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-10-14


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-10-07


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-30

  • @MaryLangseth Hi Mary. Did you manage to vote. Turns out the activation email goes into spam for gmail users. #
  • The activation email to vote for our Innovating Justice entry goes into gmail spam folder. #fail #
  • @declanganley thinking if getting 23andme test. Happy customer? #
  • @paulmwatson setup a local http proxy? #
  • @paulmwatson for example, sometimes ppl use these analysers for squid #
  • @randompunter I was invited to a whole seminar on "bonking" recently. My interest was piqued. #
  • @randompunter NFC seminar of course. What did you think I meant? πŸ™‚ #
  • People are taking drugs on channel4 . Nothing new there except this time it's for science. #drugslive #
  • @caitlinmoran those guys are getting very chummy. It'll be hugs & kisses when we see them again #drugslive #
  • @Betapond fantastic news. Well done guys. #
  • @Spiderworking that's a great idea but I'd be worried about the security implications of FB+Dropbox #
  • @angelicish probably due to #drugslive on channel 4. It's interesting viewing anyway #
  • @normanwyse most of the spending was on land & buildings, many built using PPP's. #
  • @normanwyse Would love to see other college's President/Dean fees over 10 yr period to see a true comparison. #
  • β€œ@jackseale: Let us not forget that JK Rowling personally rocks.” < respect! #
  • @normanwyse But not all staff were silent πŸ™‚ #
  • I'm sure Mercedes will scapegoat Schumi for the poor performances but they've produced a substandard car every year. #f1 #
  • I don't think Schumacher should retire as that assumes MercGP were competitive #f1 #
  • @feyhops yes #
  • @feyhops and to download it #
  • @feyhops tried this before and it worked. Used to have some boxes with different hypervisors on 'em for testing. #
  • @feyhops other ways of testing include using Open Nebula to emulate the API's. #
  • @feyhops have fun & let me know how you get on. #
  • Is a bit tired of deliberately misleading ads about #ios6 #maps #
  • @normanwyse The Irish Times would _never_ hv written article condemning the government for not doing an upgrade following the Port report. #
  • @normanwyse not just blind eyes & closed ranks. Sometimes genuine fear by staff. #
  • @TomRaftery feck. that's a monster of a car but the battery range is woeful #
  • @TomRaftery @paulmwatson I think the Fisker is more "where it's at" in terms of convincing luxury car buyers to go electric #
  • @paulmwatson @tomraftery absolutely so long as they didn't let MercGP anywhere near it πŸ™‚ #
  • @TomRaftery @paulmwatson yes but Tesla also teamed up with Lotus whereas Fisker have an unusual outsourcing model. #
  • @paulmwatson @tomraftery Tesla had alleged Fisker stole their technology when designing model s under contract #
  • @ruairimckiernan @donegalabu Also ppl being treated for mental health probs who hv other illnesses tht Irish docs are not diagnosing. #
  • @ruairimckiernan @donegalabu specifically I know 3 now diagnosed cases of hypo&hyper thyroid tht were tld they were anxious. Irish docs..:( #
  • @donegalabu @ruairimckiernan absolutely & they're also not keeping up to date on diagnostic best practice. #
  • @donegalabu @ruairimckiernan throw in huge waiting lists (many months) to see specialists and you're really unlucky if you get sick πŸ™ #
  • @donegalabu I completely agree! Sure, you're such as reasonable person. If only everyone was πŸ™‚ #
  • @donegalabu BTW would be great if you could vote for the Irish entry in the Innovating Justice comp #
  • @donegalabu many thanks πŸ™‚ #
  • @normanwyse whether it needs to or not, it sure does work crazily πŸ™‚ #
  • @colettebrowne all deserved. #
  • β€œ@nytimes: Apple Apologizes for Misstep on Maps” <bout time. #
  • @paulmwatson my dad used to work for Fairchild. #
  • @chrisjhorn in fairness, I know tech researchers that struggled to use the color app. I'm not sure too much VC funding made it so obtuse πŸ™‚ #
  • @chrisjhorn absolutely & too much money may account for their feature bloat but the HCI of the colour app is odd (to be kind) #
  • @chrisjhorn hv u seen their "killer app"? Live broadcasting on Verizon. #niche #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-23

  • @ronanlyons best april 1 publication I've seen. The Internet Engineering Task Force do spoof standards for 1/4 #
  • @chedgey sounds great but a bit too far for me to go to a conference. #
  • @NadineORegan perhaps we are but I think it's 1/2 self loathing & half tongue in cheek self-deprecation. #
  • @miguelpdl I already did πŸ˜‰ #
  • @miguelpdl You're confusing me with Captain Jack Sparrow. Easy mistake to make πŸ™‚ #
  • Plz RT: Plz vote for Irish Researcher Roisin O'Shea whose idea has bn nominated for a European Innovating Justice award #
  • @unakavanagh Hey Una, could you plz RT my tweet about the Irish Legal researcher. We need all the help we can get πŸ™‚ #
  • @LiamDelaneyEcon and a sense of caution regarding the results πŸ™‚ #
  • @waterfordit Plz RT. WIT Researcher Roisin O'Shea has bn nominated for an Innovating Justice award & needs your votes #
  • @communicating @sclopit very cool, thanks for the link. #
  • @DrLizaMorton thanks for the follow. #
  • @IanDempsey @philthrill69 20% of mortgages in arrears of > 90 days & we're only thinking about fighting now? #
  • @MaryLangseth thanks for the follow friday. #
  • @colettebrowne Plz RT. Plz vote for Irish researcher Roisin O'Shea who is nominated for EU Innovating Justice award at #
  • @colettebrowne would be great if you could RT. It's a public vote & she needs all the help she can get #
  • @SmallBC many thanks for the RT. It's a public vote & her research will improve access to family law across Europe. #
  • @colettebrowne Many thanks. It's for the Hague Institute award & it would be great to have an Irish winner πŸ™‚ #
  • @MaryLangseth Would be great if you could RT my tweet abt Roisin & the EU Justice Competition. #
  • @MaryLangseth It's a public vote so plz vote online πŸ™‚ It's an EU wide competition so she needs all the help she can get. #
  • @MaryLangseth just sent a few minutes ago. #
  • @MaryLangseth will do. Thanks. #
  • Went with @Rosbunny to Career Zoo. She said if you're not in IT or want to work in Aldi then it's not very helpful. #
  • @damienmulley It was quite bizarre Damien. Are there no other jobs in Ireland? If so we really are FUBARed. #
  • @damienmulley so I gathered. Disheartening for many who turned up. They were being recommended to reskill !! #
  • @DrLizaMorton I will certainly look at it now. Thanks πŸ™‚ #