
NTL broadband configuration

I’ve just gotten NTL broadband at home, signing up for the 3Mbps offering which is very nice indeed. So far I’m seeing download speeds of around 70 kbps which is a bit slow to be honest but I understand that the service isn’t quite working to maximum capacity yet. I’m willing to wait. It’s worth it after 3 successive wireless broadband providers failed to hook me up citing the usual reasons of

  • too busy to look at it yet as we’re trying to grab all the customers eircom has disappointed with the lack of ADSL availability
  • too poor a signal
  • no line-of-sight
  • too many trees
  • wrong star sign
  • eyes are the wrong colour
  • wrong time of the month
  • yadda, yadda, yadda

Anyway, the NTL cable modem is neat and tasty and hooks nicely up to my linksys wireless router. However, a word of warning. If you want to retrofit a wireless router to your installation you may have to MAC spoof as the DHCP lease for your location is obviously based on MAC. My linksys router supports this via “cloning”. NTL installation staff aren’t exactly clueful on this front so you’ll have a lot of messing around to do if don’t pick up the problem straight away. Other than that’s it’s a straight “obtain IP automatically” installation. A word of warning about the Linksys WRT54G router though. The firmware upgrade to v 3.1 is essential for security reasons and its interoperability with NETGEAR 54g cards is less than sensational for anything less than basic WEP. (it doesn’t work)So kids my router is mac restricted, much good it will do me


Useful site for Irish financial advice and information

The title sums it up. I was unsure as to the advantages and imnplications (including VAT implications) of contract hire versus hire purchase so I turned to the extremely useful Finance Ireland. This site is extremely useful for anybody looking to better understand and utilise asset finance packages. Here’s the description from the site is the on-line arm of the Finance Company of Ireland group of companies.
We ( operate in two complimentary markets – Asset Finance & Mortgages. Our business is completely driven by customer service. We have grown over the past ten years both organically and through acquisition.

Apologies for the plug but it’s a interesting site for small business owners that incur substantial capital equipment costs as part of their normal operations.


Another online auction

Following on from the huge number of responses I got when I announced that I was selling my XDA-2 I’m flogging yet more technological goodies that have been obseleted. I’ve recently invested in a Pioneer Bluetooth Stereo with iPod controller for my truck. (and it most definitely IS a truck). Therefore I’m replacing the standard Nissan CD/RDS/EON unit that came with it. If any of the 5 readers who mail me with opinions on everything want to buy this then let me know ASAP.

This Blog

all quiet on the blogging front

Sorry for the lack of post over the last few days but I’m still waiting to get wireless broadband installed in my new house. Very frustrating. I’ll be back soon with more eclectic ramblings about life and technology. Me & R have gotten a little kitten called….

(OK, OK, I’m obsessed and I need help :-P)