- Landmark Spanish ruling on recourse a bank can seek for homeowner debt http://bit.ly/fkeypt #
- @GTCost yes but it's unsurprising as Bing Smaghi is defending his own dumbass macroeconomic policies #
- @GTCost agreed but he's personally responsible for some of them. Responsible for Intl & Euro relations my ass 🙂 #
- #rtept with respect, why is Miriam asking is a rate cut realistic? The ecb sets the rate & will do anything to avoid euro collapse #
- @liamooo serious issue at the time but no strategy correction by gov since then #
- @liamooo real flaw with raising cash short term on wholesale markets to lend long. Qualified guarantee was required #
- RT @f1fanatic_co_uk: More pictures of the Ferrari F150 here: http://bit.ly/dP8tpY #F1 <nice! #
- @ronanlyons varadkar seems to be suggesting FG will hit the button if in power. LBS doth protest too much 🙂 #
- Dear Idiot Bin Smaghi, we've been having an ongoing bank run by following your advice. Now you want us to up corp tax http://bit.ly/en7pd3 #
- @ronanlyons ah, seen comments now. That's just another side of the same bad penny. #
- @paulmwatson nice.. like that wallet #
- Fascinating article about the hidden distribution effects of 0% interest rate policies – stealth bank subsidies http://bit.ly/hsUas7 #
- @Goblyn fuhgedaboudit 🙂 #