- Speccing out some contract development. Let the games commence! #
- Got to use the word epiphyte in conversation today when we were talking about symbiotic and parasitic relationships. Semi-relevant too! #
- @jkeyes I’ll try not to do it again 😉 in reply to jkeyes #
- @ghook why are Americans so het up abt witchcraft in films but rarely concerned abt gratuitous violence? #
- @paulmwatson @miguelpdel Both dog and cat hairs on the couch. Don’t think either of them have read the baroque cycle in reply to paulmwatson #
- Fred the dog tried to eat his house. He’s a bottomless stomach of want! #
- @paulmwatson statistically, that time can make a difference but the trade latency is much higher than that. Still a lucrative “arms race” in reply to paulmwatson #
- Savouring the staggeringly bad user interface of the nokia n86. It’s so 90s retro #
- Adding a contact & subscribing to their presence can be done in only a few hundred clicks 🙂 #
- The #img green fund and the challenges it must face http://bit.ly/9s3Amv #
- The #imf green fund and the challenges it must face http://bit.ly/9s3Amv #
- typing error, doh 🙂 #
- Ironic that Ireland as a nation suffers from the same prob as many debtors. Int rates too high to restructure debts http://bit.ly/cCUzTY #
- Oracle reveals the sun acquisition strategy. Become a giant patent troll http://bit.ly/9xRGix #
- @paulmwatson Don’t think it’s ab/w. Some patents should _never_ be granted as they represent monopolistic rather then innovative behaviour in reply to paulmwatson #
- Accidentally whacked my head on @shodow2’s car door. This kind of thing happens too often to me. #
- @paulmwatson I disagree. If in doubt the patent office should refuse rather than accept an application. in reply to paulmwatson #
- Interesting. Watching a debt advisor explaining that ppl aren’t aware of credit unions in the UK so use huge APR pay day loans #
- @paulmwatson hhmm, yep but 1ce granted the whole biz plan can be based on the comp. adv. of the patent in reply to paulmwatson #
- RT @NoreenBowden: Irish Times features graduate employment options: dole, more uni, emigration. http://bit.ly/b61Udt <v sad #
- The political football that the (near to) Ground zero mosque has become (link via @marklittlenews) http://nyti.ms/8XL1Bu #
- @paulmwatson totally agree . They’re being manipulated by reps trying to force dems into defending a morally right but unpopular move in reply to paulmwatson #
- Id software “Rage” demo shows iphone as a games platform http://bit.ly/aHXgT7 #