- Forbes' article points out that US national debt is nowhere like the highest its ever been, adjusting for inflation http://t.co/eX7c7A6R #
- @normanwyse so you've given up on the idea that we could be taking a stand for ideological reasons ? π #euref #
- @tomhappens no #
- @moorehn nobody apparently π #
- @davidcullinane no doubt it will be thoroughly misrepresented by the government #
- Seem to have some RSI problems in my left wrist. Lots of typing to do tomorrow. Ouch #
- @paulmwatson yes, I'd like thatβ¦. #
- @jmason or just learn to use their twitter account #
- @colettebrowne the gov are in full "campaign promises" mode to promote #euref Weeks of Fear,Uncertainty & Doubt on the way #
- @LiamDelaneyEcon (cc @GTCost) can you give examples where you think media sentiment didn't lag other negative economic indicators? #
- @topgold are you planning to get one? AFAIK we used a drone on a past project for monitoring environmental data #
- @GTCost that was my understanding too. But I'm always open to new ideas+research #
- @topgold sounds like fun #
- @businessinsider @_dtl if you keep saying it's going to rain you'll eventually be correct. #
- @carolinesimons it's a belief not backed up by international treaties I'd say. They're opening themselves up to further sanction #
- @carolinesimons borrowing on the credit card to pay back a bank loan. it's not even econ101, it's homeecon101. #
- @DavidOShelton @murrad23 Yes, In ICT some private sector salary ranges are increasing whereas they're static/reduced in public sector #
- Almost every sentence of Van Rompuy's latest coronation speach shows his detachment from reality http://t.co/AtbsZNbm #
- @AdamSmallman @moorehn @guardian worth remembering that ppl once had to ship ice. Broken biz models don't survive http://t.co/QiNa1Bl4 #
- @maryroche (cc @LiamDelaneyEcon) I worry about such ppl Mary but I suppose it's just another form of gnosticism with a dollop of gullibility #
- @LiamDelaneyEcon @maryroche except pascal was a genius whereas I can't say same abt angel obsessives I've met #
- @LiamDelaneyEcon @maryroche however I suppose desperation increases irrational actions if not thoughts #