- @susannareid100 my dog Fred sang along with you this morning. Never thought I’d hear dog impressions on BBC Breakfast #
- @ewanmcintosh you’re storing it up for tomorrow night. 🙂 #
- Sr Isaac Newton’s life rendered as KML by Italian researchers. Very cool http://t.co/MeJciJf7 #
- @colettebrowne perhaps Marin is not altogether telling the truth? shocking as it seems that an ff leader might make misleading remarks #
- @colettebrowne yes but when findings of fact in the body of the report may not be acted on there’s little hope for an aside in the summary #
- @kencurtin call traffic watch. The odd blokes with the blue flashers are always speeding too. The ones in the “undercover” navy mondeos #
- @vdmeersven they’re so inconsiderate #
- RT @TomRaftery: New Microbial Fuel Cell Converts Raw Sewage into Electricity http://t.co/2Oip5HCb / Great, no shortage of raw material! #
- @feylya bite it back #