
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-29

  • @paulmwatson was Lara there too? #
  • @paulmwatson good, otherwise it could have been dangerous 🙂 #
  • @ellamcsweeney @wmarybeard Gill is just 1 of a number of hyper-arrogant literate "shock jocks" tht Murdoch keeps in his Sun. Times menagerie #
  • @tomhappens reverse the genders and you'd be in trouble 🙂 #
  • @gavinsblog they used to do quite nice lunches on Al Italia 🙂 #
  • Klout says I'm influential about coffee. I don't drink coffee so please RT 🙂 #
  • @normanwyse are you suggesting the minister is politicking? heaven forbid #vinb #
  • @m2thefizzle it's a great movie alright. More upliftinng than the doom porn on #vinb #
  • @klillington "We would serve history only so far as it serves life" Nietsche #
  • @klillington not that I'm a fan of Nietsche but he was spot on about the "dangerous irony" (& narcissim) that too much history brings #
  • @normanwyse poor John Bruton doesn't want to be out in the cold without a Euro quango #
  • No wonder we're screwed. Represented by MEPs who don't know enough to defend us to our European "colleagues" #vinb #
  • @ferguskelly absolutely. He displayed the intellectual and moral cowardice that got us into this mess with each sentence. #
  • @davidcullinane he's an engineer you know. His grasp of probability is sound even if his prediction accepts he has zero knowledge. #
  • $75 to renew 1 .com domain by those scammers in #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-22

  • @GTCost @stanjourdan perhaps Nowotny is lost too? #
  • contagion – the fear that other people know the eurozone is really as bad as we suspect it is. #
  • @klillington @IrishTimes artistic irony! So angry at the prospect of artworks being destroyed that he destroys them himself #
  • @chrisjhorn publicly quoted banks managed to withstand scrunity & accountability just fine 🙂 #
  • @unakavanagh you need a good supply of dramamine! #
  • GS's predicts AAPL will make shedloads of cash when it launches its new religion/phone. #
  • @unakavanagh for motion sickness of course 😉 #
  • @brianmlucey no surprises there #
  • @bitterlemon999 @paulmwatson no idea. just saw a few RT's this morning. #
  • Hollande appears to be in the lead in our real presidential election #
  • @paulmwatson @paulrbrennan #Breivik said he's actually a very nice person (when he's not slaughering people I presume). Reluctantly insane #
  • RT @ronanlyons: 6 Popular Upbeat Songs You Didn't Realize Are Depressing | <well worth a read #
  • @colettebrowne depends what's agreed. Some have personal guarantees up to a few years of rent. #
  • @colettebrowne practically, if your landlord is bust then the abiity to sue them isn't very useful. #
  • Detailed article from CNN putting the Bahrain #f1 gp in context #
  • Wish I had my own underground monorail system. #
  • RT @MercedesAMGF1: Michael in the pits < suspect so 🙂 #
  • Mining asteroids, armageddon but in reverse #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-15

  • @declanganley fancy being a "public-spirited citizen" ? #
  • @paulmwatson You need to become a tiler #
  • @unakavanagh excellent & a v stylish new photo #
  • @paulmwatson would get boring after a while. Like a job as a guinness tap inspector, seems great but… #
  • RT @MartianMcluhan: futurists predict this will be a big year for buzzwords #goingforward #
  • RT @Patrick_Ness: "I'm OUTRAGED that I've purposely misunderstood you!" #theinternetinonesentence <brilliant+true #
  • Harvard Biz Review article on the magic of doing 1 thing at a time Deserves full attention! #
  • RT @KathyFoley: This cracked me up… <me too #
  • @declanganley empirically? very #
  • instagram+facebook = irrelevant in the grand scheme of things #metasocialmediafatigue #
  • Most unpleasant mental image of the yearr is terry prone's "braced, eager and ready" email (via @damienmulley) #
  • @damienmulley bowel voidingly uncomfortable to consider 🙂 #
  • If you want to see if your #osx machines is free of the flashback trojan then read #
  • @coriordan I had a very different experience in the same PS organisation. Go figure 🙂 #
  • @ellamcsweeney the person who told you they're the best place to find last minute holiday deals? #
  • @davidmcw fair enough but a cut similar to the last one will hit lower paid researchers in IoT's as much as TUI teachers. #
  • @colettebrowne if ditch literally means "throw Romney in a ditch" then I'd pay to see that. #
  • must be innovative today. might hurt #
  • @jmason have had sinusitis for years. apparently it can have a fungal origin & most GP's don't catch that. #
  • RT @BBCSport: The FIA and Bernie Ecclestone say the Bahrain GP will go ahead next weekend: <quelle surprise? #
  • @suziperry great new look 🙂 #
  • @brianmlucey if the UK papers ran a "lazy german civil servant" of the week competition it wouldn't dim their austerity ardour #
  • Watching Dr. Strangelove. Still my favourite movie. Flouridation of the water as a communist plot? Plausible 😛 #
  • @jcollery yep, brilliant alright. #
  • @derektroy @AltitudeIreland have a bit of glenisk vanilla every morning. it's fantastic #
  • You've gotta feel sorry for Schumacher. The problem with the misfitted wheel robbed him of a podium place. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-08

  • wonder why @NYTimeskrugman didn’t mention loan-deposit bias in his insightful Minsky article #
  • Really love that @ireland is a new person every week. Great idea. #
  • @brianmlucey time to issue a few billion flammable bonds 🙂 #
  • @klillington good to talk today. I have some friends in Mycroft. One of the ComiFin team joined them. Good fit 🙂 #
  • like that toothpaste ad, I’m still working 😐 #
  • Just a little bit tired after last night’s grant application all-nighter. Lots more fun in store today #
  • @ronanlyons if you could quantify the reaction when you ask someone about their mortgage then that could be a useful proxy f(grimace,frown.. #