
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-03

  • RT @businessinsider: The Three Sources Of Alpha < investing strategies #
  • Really enjoying the #tallships festival in Waterford #
  • #vinb why invite people on to your show if you're only going to misquote & dismiss them? 1.5 Bn ppl living on <$1 /day #
  • #vinb oh FFS. As if nobody every died in the name of profit & capitalism. Capitalism & fascism are just labels for absolutist thinking #
  • @thenext50k they do anyway. company goes down, they lose their jobs. & I've had to let ppl go in the past, never a pleasant experience #
  • @thenext50k but not greater risk. 1% of ppl own >85% of the wealth. Most investment must come from those who can afford to lose it. #
  • @thenext50k not disagreeing with free markets as an idea but they're ideals also. Real economy needs protecting from financial casino #
  • @wickedfairysad the rest of us would like healy-rae out of the country. #
  • Waiting for the Waterboys to start playing at Waterford #tallships concert #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-26

  • Eurozone ministers delay decision on new Greek bailout #
  • Gov looks to sell BoI stake to private investors. #
  • @paulmwatson ya know what connects us to the #cloud .. the #pipe 🙂 #
  • slowly worked my way back into the gym with 2 x 2 hr workouts & newly aching leg muscles #
  • @ronanlyons ironically, this is an all too common phenomenon. "dear all, please stop sending emails to all… " #
  • Economic historian Albrecht Ritschl describes Germany as "worst debtor nation of the past century" (via @colettebrowne) #
  • @jbwan because he said he didn't like him prior to the election & Ray won't back down on anything. #
  • @ghook parents wth hi expectations send thr kids to gd schools & unis. Thy attract the bst teachers etc. self-fulfilling prophecy #
  • @stephenkinsella the JLC system is overly complex. I know biz with 4 different rates/premises. JLC reform needed but so are rent reductions #
  • The Euro #credit derivative beast has an number and the number is 616 Bn, #
  • @vdmeersven @edeljennings cool social "design patterns" site, thanks #
  • @brianmlucey keep thinking of der spiegel's piece on past german debt transgressions. #
  • Soros claims #euro exits are "probably inevitable" #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-19

  • @thenext50k I'd follow them but they'd only use the follower count as some kind of stat to suggest how many #tippcasino fans there are #
  • @rjrodger not that I ever talk about dev stuff on twitter 🙂 #
  • @normanwyse right but other cities benefit by Waterford not having a uni so they don't care #
  • @normanwyse yep. generally that brigade are most at risk when academic funding leaves the capital #
  • @colettebrowne it must be genetic. they've both got cheating genes and can't help themselves 🙂 #
  • @normanwyse sounds like a good idea. make it so ! #
  • @mofoghlu @pixievondust absolutely. watched it again recently & I still love GPB #
  • Ireland softens stance on senior bondholders via #ft #
  • Prof Andre Sapir "markets lacking confidence that the measures taken…are going to produce a sustainable solution" #
  • "GNP … measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile" – Robert Kennedy #
  • Discussion on #slashdot about data usage caps and the #cloud is worth a read #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-12

  • Ever wondered why an email hasn't been responded to? The service shows how swamped a gmail a/c is #
  • #eurozone #bailout challenge to be heard by German courts in July #
  • Turns out some personal electronic devices can actually affect avionic sensors #
  • Citibank credit card hack affects 200k card holders #
  • @ronanlyons always thought it was a bit odd that there was such a focus on neuro-structure rather than cyclical levels of chemicals/hormones #
  • Doesn't seem to be anything about Brian Lenihan's passing on rte or the Irish Times yet but it's on several ot… (cont) #
  • @niamhpitts it's because of the hoax yesterday #
  • @topgold they're confused by the "cruel hoax" yesterday tbh so was I #
  • @niamhpitts yes but as it was just yesterday they didn't want to print the story until it had been confirmed by multiple sources #