Boing-boing’s humorous take on secession. There’s a strong element of truth in this. I was watching a debate last night contrasting the voter turnout in the US with that in the UK at the last eleection. UK politicians generally believe that elections shouldn’t be decided based entirely on religious or moral issues. The differences between the 2 major political parties are a lot less tangible than in the US and can be reduced towards attitudes to tax and public spending (and even then the differences are arguably minimal as they must react to changes in the world economy)
However, in the US it’s always seemed like republicans and democrats sit on two opposing political fences with democrats sneering at republicans for being unsophisticated and republicans lambasting democrats for being amoral and ungodly. The reality lies somewhere between this polarised map of the US. (i.e. My political colours would be more democrat than republican but I must admit that Colin Powell and John McCain are sophisticated, smart and quite moderate in many ways and I have much respect for them, while some democrats are quite infantile in their attacks on “republican hicks”) It’s an interesting debate but I can’t help but feel that it leads to gross simplification of the issues and flawed foreign policy. Still, as a TV pundit pointed out “It’s democracy in action. The country may be divided but after the results people will go home and get on with their lives. There will be no rioting in the streets”
Read a very interesing article on Wired about a company called Cell-life which is developing SMS and Internet based monitoring software to enable a small team of doctors to effectively monitor the side-effects of Anti Retroviral (ARV)drugs used in the treatment of AIDS. In this case, many side-effects such as lactic-acidosis are life-threatening unless treatment is received quickly. The cell-life system enables fast diagnosis of these issues using SMS text messaging to communicate with doctors and interface with the system databases. It’s a wonderful example of technology having a beneficial effect on the lives of thousands of people and (as someone pointed out) a balance to my earlier techno-dystopia remarks…
California Stem Cell Research initiative
Throughout the rest of the US stem-cell researchers are weighing up the costs (and funding issues) of another 4 years of Dubya. However, California has neatly sidestepped these issues by finding a way to supplant it’s stem cell research initiatives with state funds. Cunning!
In the Golden State, stem cell researchers will see a windfall of $3 billion over the next 10 years, averaging about $300 million a year, thanks to the passage of Proposition 71, the California Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative. It shouldn’t be difficult to entice the best minds in the country to move to a place where their work is fully supported by a state known for its mild climate.
Without wanting to get into the complexitiies of the ethical and legal debate surrounding this kind of research I’ll be interested to discover the results this promising initiative produces. Whether we morally agree with stem-cell research or not it has the potential to have a major impact on the treatment of a wide range of illnesses, especially degenerative neurological conditions such as alzheimers and parkinsons.
John Martyn’s playing in Cork
I’m a big fan of the music of 70s singer songwriterjohn martyn as most of my friends will testify. In particular the album solid air (pictured) which never loses its magical quality no matter how many times I listen to it. John’s wonderful and deeply expressive voice together with his stunning acoustic technique are something to behold in concert. So I was delighted to learn that he’s playing in DeBarra’s in Clonakilty, Cork on December 4th.
For those of you not familiar with his music here’s a lyrical sample from “I don’t want to know”
Sometimes it gets so hard to listen
Hard for us to use our eyes
All around the cold is glistening
Making sure it keeps us hypnotized
I don’t want to know about evil
I only want to know about love
I don’t want to know one thing about evil
I only want to know about love