
iPod wireless transceivers (only in Japan as yet)

Japanese Ratoc Systems Corp. has a new lineup of wireless audio products called the “REX-Link” series, and some of them are even specifically designed to fit your 3/4G iPod or iPod mini.


There are four products in the series—two “receivers” and two “transmitters.” Receivers come in the form of the “CR-RX01” with optical and analog audio outputs or the “REX-WHP1” headphones. For your transmitter, you have two options: the “CR-TXB01” USB transmitter, or “CR-TXB02” USB/analog transmitter (which also attaches to the back of 3/4G/mini iPods). These four products are matched to give three available packages: one with CR-TXB02 analog/USB transmitter and CR-RX01 receiver, one with CR-TBX01 USB transmitter and REX-WHP1 headphones, and one with CR-TXB02 analog/USB transmitter and REX-WHP1 headphones.

Original link from Gizmodo


Creating shim libraries in Linux

Anybody who’s done a bit of device driver development will know that occasionally system logs just don’t provide enough information about the various problems you’ll encounter and you have to hack up a shim library which sits between a problem library and it’s loader/calling module. Linux Journal has a very nice article this month on creating just such a library for libusb. This could be useful for anybody developing an application or driver which needs to communicate with a USB device. Like writing a synch for a PDA, MP3 player or somesuch..


Static substitution (Fowler Style)

Martin Fowler has a neat little article on refactoring class statics using instance variables. Most languages can’t support polymorphism for static methods. e.g.

class A{
public void doInitStuff() { /*do stuff necessary for static init of B objects*/};
} ...
class B extends A{
public void doInitStuff() { /*do other stuff necessary for static init of B objects*/};
} ...
A a = new B();
A.doInitStuff(); /* but I'd quite like to polymorphically call B.doStuff(); Actually, could be trouble! */

Martin’s solution is very elegant.


Arafat’s effects on the Middle-Eastern peace process

Picked up a very interesting article from (thank you Justin) about “selves and others”, website which keeps track of the published articles of speakers, writers and journalists with leftish political views. Having followed the link to selves and others I was intrigued by another link to Stephen Zunes article on Arafat’s role in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Now that Arafat has died and the eulogies are flowing in, it’s useful to recap on his leadership of the PLO; his beliefs and policies. Well worth a read for anybody with a passing interest in middleeastern politics.