
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-05

  • @normanwyse @davidmcw I'm a bit upset about the end of western democracy myself. #
  • @normanwyse @davidmcw expect barriers to significant Chinese investment in depressed economies. #
  • @normanwyse @davidmcw that should have been #eurozone economies #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-29


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-22


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-15

  • London, Hong Kong, New Zealand, shattered… #
  • @vdmeersven thanks Sven. Very tired by now. Just want to go to sleep even though I've already collapsed or a few hrs #
  • @paulmwatson Newspapers reporting "facts". Sounds unlikely & I can't imagine it would be popular #
  • Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) conference will be in Berlin in April 2012. Much needed! (via @stephenkinsella) #
  • @ronanmorris not all public sector employees receive increments. Contractors don't but I agree tht most do. #
  • Off to Wellington NZ this morning #
  • @wellboy76 holiday, perhaps 😉 #
  • @maxkeiser our catholic bent was overruled by our colonial mindset. When the poor kid w/ bad parents wins the lottery, seldom works out. #
  • @damienmulley and why not? #
  • @damienmulley will google for a pic. But 1st to enjoy the sunshine in Wellington, NZ 🙂 #
  • @liamooo that & they also tend to be either idiots, opportunists or ideologues with an exclusively supply side view of economic problems #
  • @klillington right but the law society viewed acting without a solicitor (an archaic & money wasting rule) as his major transgression. #