I’ve been playing around with fractal generation over the past few weeks . Some of the results have made it into the redesign of Ordo Ab Chao. Feedback is appreciated but I’m unlikely to change much over the next few weeks. Also, many thanks to those surfers with time on their hands who mailed me their opinions on my new look. The dreads are also here to stay 😉
Category: This Blog
Thought it was about time I put a new photo of myself on the site. I’ve gone all rasta in the past few weeks so here’s me looking moody and showing off my new dreads in tasteful b et w. My tongue is firmly kept in cheek BTW.
Further apologies for site work
Apologies if templates, tables etc. went wonky today. I had to do some work on the live blog as I accidentally uploaded the wrong files. I know at least one person was looking at it today so I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Apologies for archive problems
Apologies to anybody looking at this page over the past few days. Due a mistype there were some archiving problems that I’ve sorted out now (hopefully)… To make up for it I’ve been trying out some audio-blogging and I’ll make the results available over the next few days. I recommend any MT users out there interested in this technology should install the MTEnclosures plugin