I’ve had a few comments over the past few weeks about my whereabouts and the future of Gaisan Technologies. Well, I’ve been working the past few months as a contractor within a WIT campus company focusing on next generation telecoms services (what else ? :)).
I’m happy to say that I’m now working with TSSG most days. Gaisan is still running, still open for business and still doing consulting on telecoms and contract software development. However, there will be many changes over the next few months and I’ll keep you abreast of these on my blog. I guess an interesting opportunity came about and I felt compelled to take it.
Category: This Blog
blog redesign underway
I submitted the first changes last night. Would have hacked out the little errors sooner but I had huge problems with upgrading movable type. Everything from files not transferred properly (or at all) by the FTP client to problems to the usual “ObjectDriver, DBI::mysql” issues. To anyone facing similar issues I’ll give the following heads up.
- backup your previous install including all files and database
- reinstall all the files again, configure mt-config.cgi to point at your databaseand hope it all works
Blog redesign
Yes,the blog will get a much needed redesign over the next few weeks. I haven’t posted anything in a while as I’ve been too busy doing other things. It doesn’t mean for a second I’m less opinionated or big-headed. Just had to clear that up :-).
all quiet on the blogging front
Sorry for the lack of post over the last few days but I’m still waiting to get wireless broadband installed in my new house. Very frustrating. I’ll be back soon with more eclectic ramblings about life and technology. Me & R have gotten a little kitten called….
(OK, OK, I’m obsessed and I need help :-P)