Perhaps not. I’ve commented in the past about the effects that P2P networks have upon the ISP traffic topologies (timing, upstream/downstream biases etc.) and we all know they can be used to illegally share copyrighted files. However, I strongly believe that P2P applications are the prototype for the next generation of highly resilient and scalable internet applications. In my former job as a telecomms researcher at TSSG we came up with quite a novel approach to integrating active networking and peer-2-peer apps at the top of the stack. I’m not sure what became of that work but my faith in the technology hasn’t waivered.
I guess that’s why I was so fascinated by the following post on boing-boing about 2 Princeton researchers who’ve cooked up a P2P app in 15 lines of concise Python code. The original post is located on Ed Felton’s blog. It was damn funny to see someone hack up a Perl version in 9 lines. Without disrespect, the python implementation is more legible but the Perl code wins my “tight code” Award for 2004. Matthew Scala has a well used styrofoam cup with an strategicaly embedded 1/2 fried 2Mb Dimm (circa 1993) winging its way to him at this very moment. Enjoy! What a prize and what a hack 😀
Category: technology
The Gaisan regular expression toolkit
If you want to match URL’s reliably without creating a regexp monster so big that you need to connect up the digital projector just so you can work on it then this is something tasty I’ve come up with. Demonstrated in java, my language of choice
Pattern urlPattern = Pattern.compile("(((URL:|url:|http:|htt:)\\/\\/)|www\\.)(((([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]*[A-Za-z0-9]"+
Matcher urlMatcher = urlPattern.matcher("");
boolean matches2 = m2.matches();
System.out.println("Match should be true:\t" + urlMatcher.matches());
Fun with Regular Expressions
I was playing around with regular expressions in Java. AFAIK these are only around since the JDK 1.4 and are therefore quite new. As a sometimes Perl programmer I’ve some experience with these but .
Hoever, all this hacking reminded me of the most amazing regular expression I ever saw. I saw this on the ActiveState’s RX cookbook some time ago.
It’s actually a useful and logically sound solution to a common problem… How to match all RFC 1738 compliant URLs and turn them into hyperlinks! It was posted by Abigail to comp.lang.perl.misc on 08/14/2000. Abigail, I love you!!!
$string =~ s<
><a href = "$1">$1</a>>gx;
Needless to say, anything this complex requires a license to say that it may not work which is reprinted here (even though it logically should work at all times). Wow and wholeheated respect to Abigail...
Is spam driving you mad?
Evolutiontwo has a profane and funny response to all spammers. I hear you brother. Like the rest of the sane world he has no intention of passing his bank a/c details over to some spammer claiming to be from Africa, buying a fake rolex or using a super-cheap online pharmacy to buy drugs to enlarge various body parts. Also, to give a lot of net user’s credit they’re bright enough to know that it was a spammer rather than an online lottery that harvested their email address.