
Cute but no “hoor”

Jayz, life is never boring. R was on television yesterday. She was invited to be on the David McWilliams hosted Big Bite on RTE 1. I must confess that I haven’t watched this current affairs show much but it’s generally quite a serious panel debate, armchairs being the sole concession to daytime television fluffiness. McWilliams is always quite watchable and after his spell on TV3’s agenda the show has the credibility to attract heavyweight panellists, in all senses of the word. R & I (sounds like a musical doesn’t it) carefully boned up on news & current affairs from Ireland and around the world. We honed & polished her comments about her experience of cute hoorism and political corruption while working as an environmental activist and campaigning on environmental issues. I admit I got a little bit carried away as readers of my blog would suspect. Our shared 15 warholian minutes to save the world. The other panelists included journalistic bear Sam Smyth, political editor Chris Glennan (quite the raconteur) and the irrepressible Michael Healey-Rae (I hope hyphons have made it to Kerry!, only kidding). The omens weren’t good when I overheard R being told the segment was light and fluffy. She was less than impressed and brandished her notes with classic female chagrin. Sam Smyth was underwhelmed. I can’t help but think this was a last minute decision but who am I alledge political interference 😉 Anyway, what transpired was at times cringeworthy, at times brilliant and admittedly great television. Sam sat there with all the comfort and ease of a stern disapproving patriarch minding the kids while mommy was away. Poor Sam was out of his depth here but couldn’t supress a giggle here and there . R was brilliant however, someday I may even forgive her for saying on live television she’d like to run away with Michael Healey-Rae on account of his kerry charm and cute button eyes. Guffaws from the producer, the couch failed to swallow me up and the camera kept running…
With his bright eyes burning like fire and armed with his trusty cap, this bunny in the headlights was lost for words. Only for about a minute though. Words come easily in the Healey-Rae family, they droppeth like a decentralisation plan for the west from Dail Eireann. Ah sure I almost fell in love with him myself. The affair did have a kids-doing-something-naughty behind the bike sheds feel to it. Great fun!
I lost a biscuit in my tea when R claimed she was a “cute hoor” too. Cute maybe… Being a card carrying environmental and political idealist, the panel was sceptical but the producer was penitent. “Just don’t mention any names” she prayed.
It all came into perspective when R & I watched Dallas the next day. The genesis of the celtic tiger economy is found not in the green-tinted financial glass house of the IFSC but in the golden fields of texas. We love JR so much, we created a taoiseach in his likeness.


Hilarious view of the IT project lifecycle

The funniest thing about this is that it’s almost entirely true. Thanks to Kieran for this link.


The Windows Family

Thanks to Whak for the site ref. I had a little fun with it

Sorry, couldn’t resist it…


Finding value in rip-off Ireland

While watching the last in the series of Rip-off Ireland a thought occured to me about the industry that I know best, Information Technology. I’ve paid plumbers and electricians around 60 euro/hour to fix problems during normal working hours. Assuming a dilligent independent electrician working at these rates for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 42 weeks a year (holidays are vital to recharge the batteries) we get yearly earnings of over 100,000 euro. However, I never checked to see that the electrician who came around wasn’t an apprentice charging a a steep rate while remaining on a relatively modest salary. I just wanted my wires uncrossed 🙂. I must admit though, I did feel slightly ripped-off. As a software developer and web designer I meet the same customers who pay over 80 euro an hour to the plumber to come in and fix a leak late at night. However, the big difference is that they think they have some appreciation for what the plumber or electrician does whereas IT is a mystery. Even in this rip-off republic IT is often available for FREE!!! If that sounds too good to be true it’s because it is.