
Textual Harrassment

Couldn’t resist the title. It turns out that an italian who sent a girl an unsolicited compliment over SMS has been fined.

“A judge in the northern Italian town of Padua on Monday found a man who sent an unsolicited compliment by SMS guilty of harassment and fined him 300 euros ($391), Italian news agency Ansa reported.”

The full story is here
Realistically, why should textual communication be treated any differently from making a phonecall or sending an email/letter?
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Humorous plug for for Solaris 10

SUN’s marketing department are cooking up funky cartoon promos for their s/w and h/w nowadays. Here’s the latest for Solaris 10. I’m not sure it altogether works (definitely a bit too earnest and not as irreverent as the MS smarty-pants toon). Still, Scott McNealy speaking Klingon at a trade conference is funny/tragic. Thanks to Kieran for the link. His place in the SUN is guaranteed. Contain your happiness Kieran 😉


Flash site

Macromedia’s Flash is one of the single most powerful tools for web development. The combination of DHTML and Flash have created the all-singing, all-dancing web that we know and love (especially if we have nice fat broadband connections). Monkeyhub is a site dedicated to the power of flash as an animation tool. Check out their Radiohead “Creep” video and the hilarious “Microsoft Pants” sketch. I love the bit about IE being debugged by moles who live at the centre of the earth. I always suspected as much. Monkeyhub also have a collection of work-in-progres animations and websites for the various companies that have contracted their web design skills. These include RapidCare (contact lens cleaning system) and Ralph Lauren. The results are stunning.


Ill Will Press

Very funny and profane humour from An particular favourite of mine is the tech support one. Like much of the best satire there’s serious social commentary here masquerading as comedy like the remark about the indian tech support getting $20 a week (about the same as their outsourced US counterparts used to get an hour). If ground-breaking US-satirist Bill Hicks was alive today I reckon he’d sound very much like Germaine on iwillpress.