
Doogle search

Some wags in Trinity College Dublin have hacked up a humorous front end for the search engine. It’s called Doogle Search. Searches are broken up into categories from the hit Irish TV show Father Ted such as drink, feck, girls & arse. Words are mysteriously appended onto your search from a list of all things Oirish e.g Connemara, shite & Guinness.


Scientists have discovered a new element

Read more about Managerium here. Very funny read and quite true 😀


New years eve got a little bit hairy


I’m a big fan of night clubs and night life in general, as all my friends know only too well. Here’s a pic of me & my good mate justin. I can assure everybody that the only thing going on here is gravity kids :D. I’m the leery scruff on the left!
Thanks to the irrepressible Jen for the pic


More geek humour

Murphy’s law is alive, well and stalking me at the moment. So I’ve been reading some geeky humour to cheer me up. Found this on
You know you are a nerd when…
When a friend is having internet connectivity problems and this is the IM conversation you have:
(True story.)

** bph is now available
bph: ACK?
mlq: ACK. ACK?
bph: ack

Thanks to Kieran for throwing this one my way. The comments are even better or worse depending on your point of view. ciao 4 now…