
Caught rotten, LOL

Ever find yourself eyeing up someone near you in a nightclub. Most time you get away with it as nobody notices and there’s no photographic evidence to prove otherwise. Not if your mates are keen photographers who take a digital camera with them everywhere they go. Thanks for this one Jen, it’s dead funny and catches me at my best/worst… hahaha

Jen’s a budding amateur photographer and her online photo album is located at Check it out, some great shots there.


Church sign generator :-D

Ever wanted to make your own potentially humorous and possibly blasphemous church sign. Well you can do it here.. Isn’t the web wonderful (or something)


P2P traffic’s effect on ISP’s

The Internet was designed as a content access system which a predominantly client/server, assymetrically biased towards downstream (downloads etc.) With P2P exchange of data, the creation of decentralized groups allows for information to flow over the public Internet in an anonymous logical fashion. The individual users of these applications are shielded via this anonymity. There are obvious issues with IPR here but also more subtle issues regarding the categories and topology of P2P traffic. (I’ll provide a more rigorous mathematical look on this soon) via this form of information exchange, the service providers no longer have the ability to forecast network capacity based on historical subscriber usage patterns. There are four key areas where service providers are feeling the pinch:

  1. Upstream/downstream traffic is flipped where the upstream traffic is much larger then the downstream traffic. This results in network congestion on the upstream link that was never planned for with initial broadband deployments.
  2. Time of day usage statistics no longer apply. Previously, service providers could assume peak usage at certain times of the day and lower usage at other times. With P2P applications, the computers are often left to transfer data throughout the day in an unattended fashion.
  3. Previously, peering traffic always traversed the Internet to another location. In today’s world, two home users can form a direction connection.
  4. Over-subscription assumptions no longer apply. A handful of power users can “hog” all of the bandwidth deployed for a much larger usage base.

Thanks to network world for some pointers in this post.


Native XML support in ECMAScript (E4X)

Yet another interesting nugget of information pulled from Jon Udell’s site. Makes you wonder how many bloggers are merely human blog aggregators of other people’s blogs. Eventually there’s 1 part content and O(nn) level of repetition, like P2P only worse as info is wrapped with ‘opinion’ by each subsequent blogger. There’s a study that could be done here using a combination of the google API and bloglines. Blog information is distributed virally? Discuss…
E4X is native data type for XML in ECMAScript. More information here